Tuesday 28 December 2021

Academic Calendar 2020-21

Click the following links to view the general calendar  and the UG and PG Semester wise

 Academic Calendar 2020-21

UG Semester VI (2018 admission) 2020-21

UG semeser IV (2019 admission) 2020-21

PG Calendar (2020 admission) 2020-21

PG Calendar (2019 admission) 2020-21

The institution adheres to the academic calendar including for the conduct of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CA marks)

The choice based semester system is adopted for all UG programmes. The affiliated UG programmes are termed as First Degree Programme by Kerala University. The PG programmes are also framed under semester system. The University offers a common academic calendar for both UG and PG programmes for its affiliated colleges. By following the same academic calendar, each department in our college frame a department time table.

For UG courses, out of 100 marks for each course, University examinations conduct for 80 marks and the remaining 20 marks are evaluated through internal continuous assessment , so called   CA marks. For PG, out of 100 marks for each course, 75 marks are for university examination and the remaining 25 marks are evaluated through CA marks.

For UG, CA mark distribution is as follows

Attendance out of 5

Assignment out of 5

Test out of 10

Those students who attend 100% classes for the respective course will secure 5 marks. Those students who attend 50 % classes will get 1 mark. However, a minimum 75% marks are required for registering the University examination.

The students should submit assignments for each courses during the semester. Neatly written assignment with sufficient contents will get 5 marks.

The class tests, internal tests and a model internal examinations are conducted at every semester end for all courses. The marks secured by each student for respective courses are then converted into out of 10 and that mark will be provided as their test for for CA.

For UG practicals in science subjects, the CA mark distribution includes Attendance (5), record (5), skill and punctuality (5), test (5)

For PG, the CA mark distribution is as follows 

Attendance (5), Assignment (5), Seminar (5), Test (10)

For PG practicals, the distribution is as follows

Attendance (5), Record (10), Test (10)

In department calendar, the schedules for submission of assignments, conduct of class seminars (for PG only), conduct of class test, internal exams and model exams are mentioned. Also, the schedule for declaring CA marks and CA mark upload to University are mentioned. The department level monitoring committee (DLMC) including HoD, Tutor and courses handling teachers are engaged in CA mark preparation. The college level Monitoring committee including Principal, CLMC convener, All HoDs and tutors monitor the CA marks scrutiny and the final upload to University. Tutors , so called course advisers submit verified CA marks to Hod level. The HoD verifies the same and if is alright forwards to Principal level or n otherwise in case of any defects return to advisor level for re-submission. In the Principal level, CLMC scrutinize the CA marks and if it is alright, with the permission of Principal, submit the CA marks to University. In case of any defects, rejects the same to HoD level.

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